Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Radio Flyer

Thanks Auntie KayKay for my new wagon!
Now Mama and Daddy can pull me everywhere!

I know I can walk up the slide! (ummm, maybe not)

I"m so happy!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hat's On

When I go play outside (which is my very favorite thing to do), Mama makes me wear a hat to keep the sun out of my eyes.

New stuff that I'm doing:
clapping, waving, finding my belly button, walking really fast!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Birthday videos

This video ended badly. Mama should have kept filming because I was only upset for a couple of seconds before I started digging in!

Here is one of me clapping with cake on my hands.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pictures of my day!

Mama made me a confetti cake with confetti icing. She says it was her favorite when she was young.

I thought it was pretty good, too!

I can clap my hands now. I like to do it all the time, it was especially fun with hands full of cake!


After I had my supper of hot dogs, sweet potatoes, and pickles, and after I'd successfully demolished my cake, I got to open presents.

I will wear this shirt for you, Cate. Pearlsnaps always get the girl!

And here's our family picture on my birthday.
Sorry I'm not looking at the camera. I'm too busy playing with my favorite toy right now. My G.G. got it for me for my birthday party in Texas. It has balls and an allegator that are moved around like magic. (Mama says its because the air pushes them around.)

Happy Birthday to ME!!!

Everyone I know keeps saying Happy Birthday to me today and singing me a song. I don't really know what they mean, but I do know that Mama made me a cake yesterday and we are going to have my favorite: hotdogs tonight.

So far its been rainy today, but I still got to go play outside for a little bit. Then it started raining too hard to be outside and we had to come in.

Last night I got to go play at a great big play ground!
I really like to swing!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

To my Cate...

I hear the Geiser boys are vying for your affection. I also hear I am being pegged as the "bad boy from out of town."

Here are some pictures to proove my bad boy status and win your heart!

The backwards cap... (never mind that I'm pushing a pink stroller)

Who can resist a man who plays guitar. I will play "Fruit Salad" for you..


Fruit Salad, YUMMY, YUMMY, Fruit salad!"

Fire arms...
(This is taken at a Civil War battlefield just up the road from our house.)
Oh yea, I know how to use it.

"I'm bad, I'm bad, you know it." M.J. (RIP)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Who took all my hair?

Evidence: Look at all that beautiful hair!

Conspiracy: Even Mama took part in the madness that ensued.

It was Daddy's idea of course.

Result: Short hair.

Oh what will become of me now.
PS The bumps on my head are the result of falling over.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Yankee Doodle Dandy

This weeked we celebrated lots of things. Friday was Mama's birthday and we got to go out to eat at Abuelo's. But my bean and meat barrito made my tummy hurt.

Then Saturday we got to go to a parade for Independence Day! There were lots of loud sirens and big fire trucks! And I saw lots of old tracktors and a lawn mower brigade!


Then Sunday was my Nonnie's birthday! Happy Birthday Nonnie! It rained all day so we didn't get to go anywhere, but I got to play outside in my rain coat! I liked it except I didn't want to keep the hood on my head but Mama said I had to.

Today is my Great Grandma's birthday. Happy Birthday!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Boots were made for walking

Daddy finally got a good video of me walking!


Thursday, July 2, 2009

County Roads

We've vistited quite a few places in the past few days.

Here I am all snuggled up with Daddy at home.

Mama and I stood in front of a really big "orange" tree. It didn't produce oranges, but it had orange bark.

Here I am sitting on it.

And here I am on a cannon! We went to Fort Harrod in Harrodsburg. It was the first settlement in KY. Today we went to Fort Boone the more famous of the settlements (but not the first.) It was a lot nicer than Fort Harrod because it was really close to the KY River. We don't have any pictures of it because I like to play with the camera and ran the battery down.
Today, we also went to a Civil War Fort. It was really just a couple of mounds of "earthwork" as they call them but it was a nice hike.
We also tried to go to another Boone place but it turned out to be a dud. Oh well, you win some you lose some.