Saturday, January 31, 2009

S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Night!

My Nonnie came to see me today! She brought me my excersaucer! Yay!

I've been Skyping with my Grandpops! I really like seeing him and hearing him. I hope I can see him in person soon! Everyone who lives far away from me should get a webcam so I can see you!

Monday, January 26, 2009


Mama is making me drink out of a sippy cup now. I didn't like this red one so much. (Which is good because Mama didn't know when she bought it that it was the girl one with flowers and pink things on it.)

I like this blue one much better. I can grab the handles and drink from it all by myself!
Play, play, play!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jump, Jump, Jump

Here I am jumping in my "johnny jump up".

I really like it!


Last night I fell asleep while I was eating my cereal. Mama wishes she had a video of it because it was really funny. I started eating oatmeal this week, and in a couple of weeks I will start on veggies. We'll see how I like them.

Look at me in my cool cap! Thanks Evan and Isaiah!

Here I am in my Pooh outfit from Uncle Daryl. Cousin Sarah and Micheal have one just like it!

My new favorite toy is Mama's cell phone that I ruined. I slobbered all over it and she couldn't hear out of it anymore, so she just gave it to me. I like to turn it on, press the numbers, and of course chew on it!

I'm so cute!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Isreal or bust

Here are some pictures of Daddy's trip to Isreal.

Daddy on the Lake of Galilee.
(It's not a sea as the English translations of the Bible mistakingly call it.)

The Garden Tomb of Jesus

Jopa, a statue of three Biblical stories. Abraham and Issac, Jerico, and Jacob's ladder.

The Mediteranian Ocean

Friday, January 16, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Thanks Cousin Micheal for my bouncie!

My first bath sitting up all by myself!

My new excersaucer from Nonnie! I really like it!

We are finally home and have the internet again. It worked for the first couple of days at Nonnie's house, but then we lost the signal. Daddy made it home from Isreal and I'm really glad he's home. I have missed him so much!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Bye, Bye Daddy

My Daddy is in Isreal right now. He left really early in the morning yesterday and now he's really far away from me. He will be home in a couple of weeks, and he will show me lots of pictures!

Here I am saying "Goodbye" to him at the airport.

GG likes to hold me!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


For those of you who have tried to leave comments, but couldn't. I think, I've fixed the problem. Let me know.