Thursday, July 2, 2009

County Roads

We've vistited quite a few places in the past few days.

Here I am all snuggled up with Daddy at home.

Mama and I stood in front of a really big "orange" tree. It didn't produce oranges, but it had orange bark.

Here I am sitting on it.

And here I am on a cannon! We went to Fort Harrod in Harrodsburg. It was the first settlement in KY. Today we went to Fort Boone the more famous of the settlements (but not the first.) It was a lot nicer than Fort Harrod because it was really close to the KY River. We don't have any pictures of it because I like to play with the camera and ran the battery down.
Today, we also went to a Civil War Fort. It was really just a couple of mounds of "earthwork" as they call them but it was a nice hike.
We also tried to go to another Boone place but it turned out to be a dud. Oh well, you win some you lose some.

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