Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I love to dance! Here's proof. (Sorry it's sideways)

(Of course, I'm also the DJ, so I have to keep starting the music.)

This isn't on the video, but before that I ran in place to the music like Flashdance.


Dustin said...

Too bad he didn't do his head thing! Love y'all!!!

Sarah said...

We're so glad to have you here with us for a little while, Sam! Even if you don't remember me. I'm just going to drive you crazy kissing your pudgy little cheeks until you NEVER FORGET AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

You are the man, Sam! Watch out, Mom and Dad - he'll be dancing in church just like Sarah used to, before you know it! Hopefully he won't start singing "All my Exes live in Texas" from the pulpit like Garrett did!
Aunt Barb