Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sneaky Mama

Mama snuck into my room while I was taking a nap to snap these pictures of me sleeping.

I sleep with my froggy and my lamb which you can see in the background.

We are going to Texas!!

Next week I get to fly on an airlplane with Mama to San Antonio.
Then we are going to drive a long way to Lubbock for a few days, then back to San Antonio, Daddy will fly down to meet us, then back up to Abilene!
Whew! That'll be fun! I'll get to see all of my family and friends!
I'll get to swim for the first time, too!


Dustin said...

What does it mean to be "seaky?"

The pictures don't do Sam justice! He's adorable when he sleeps.

Sarah said...

You are too cute. You look smaller all curled up in a ball. So excited to see you next week!
Aunt Sarah

Cory said...

Doesn't the bible say there's something significant to "the froggy and the lambe lying down together"? This could be a sign!